Monday, March 18, 2013

Insanity Week 2 Results

Okay so I have finally finished week 2 of insanity! Wow is all I have to say! I'm also so very proud of myself, I feel that this is a big accomplishment because I have a very hard time sticking to a workout plan normally. So here are my results comparing from before insanity to now!

March 4th March 18th
Weight 147 pounds 146 pounds
Arms 11" 11"
Legs (thigh) 23.5" 22"
Legs (calf) 14.5" 14"
Hips 40.5" 38.5"
Natural Waist 31.25" 30"
Rib Cage 32.5" 31.75"

So I've only lost one pound so far, which can be discouraging! I'm trying to look past that though and keep in mind my inches lost! Now the first set of measurements are really from before insanity as I mentioned in my last post. I just believe that I didn't change much so I kept them as my original since I forgot to measure myself again. So if you count right that's 6 inches of loss total! Now you may notice the new measurement called "rib cage" which I refer to myself as "under boobs". I have always had this strange fat roll that hung up there instead of joining all the others down farther. It has always bothered me so I decided that I would indeed share this measurement with you since its pretty much gone now! Yay! So six inches lost since my start on being healthy so roughly a couple months even though these last two weeks have been the only truly hardcore serious getting healthy weeks.

Now for some pictures of myself!

Back View

 Side View

Front View

Now to share my fit test results with you so you can see the improvement in my endurance and fitness!

March 4th March 18th
Switch Kicks 75 80
Power Jacks 40 45
Power Knees 50 80
Power Jumps 12 25
Globe Jumps 6 7
Suicide Jumps 11 14
Push-up Jacks 20 22
Low Plank Obliques 30 40

So now that I've completed my first two weeks of insanity I get to reward myself! This is the hair i'm going to attempt to style afterwards! I have never ever done highlights before so this will be a huge change for my hair. I'm going very basic so it won't be too drastic. The picture of the back of someone else's head is just to show that I want a lot of layers, but the front/highlights to look like the pic on the left! Let me know what you think! I'll be sure to post pictures of before and after!

My hair is really long from growing it out for the wedding so I will also be taking some inches off, but not too much because I LOVE my long hair despite how much of a hassle it can be!

Have an awesome Monday everyone!!

Oh and real can follow me on instagram at newmrsevans and find me on myfitnesspal at lt163239 (old username so sorry it doesn't go with the mrs evans theme haha). Follow me on this journey here as well and feel free to join me and share your results too!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Insanity Week 1 Results

Beware the long blog post that is to come!!

First I want to start off with some school news that's going on with me! I am finally done with my pediatric rotation in nursing school! I've always been anti-children. I just honestly don't think they're my thing. My first day though, I held a 20 day old baby and I fell in love with her! Maybe children won't be so bad one day when i'm ready! So now its onto OB where I get to help some pregnant ladies deliver their babies! I really think it will be a great experience! This first week has been full of lectures and hospital tours, now it is SPRING BREAK!!! I don't have any plans, but I do have to study all week for a test the Monday after break! Its going to be an intense 6 weeks coming up and I'm so close to finishing my junior year of nursing school and i'll finally be a senior!

Now to the juicy stuff that will probably be the part that makes you stay and read this whole blog post! I wasn't sure if I wanted to talk about this and "expose" myself yet on this very public setting. I know it will be good for me, and if I can help even one person I feel it will be worth it!

So here is some of my story!

Okay, first off I am not 200+ lbs or anything like that. I do struggle with my weight though, I may not have as an impressive number as others, but I still struggle with my weight everyday and I am also not happy with my body. I do however plan on LOVING my body and I will work very hard to get to that point in my life and I hope anyone who reads this does too!
I'm only 5 foot and 1 inches, so weight on my body looks different than someone who is significantly taller. I currently weight about 146 lbs. Even I don't think that's really a heavy weight, but like I said my body carries it differently than most and it looks heavy on me. My BMI currently is 27.6 which is considered overweight. I believe the healthiest weight for my height is about 120ish, will I ever weight that much? I highly doubt it!
My goal with my weight loss is to not get that healthy BMI, but to get fit and toned! That's what everyone should look for when working toward their new healthy lifestyle. If I stay the same weight forever I am okay with that, but I want that weight to be in muscle and not fat. So please join me on this journey! I want to be held accountable and I want to help others hold themselves accountable for working toward their goal!
Gross right?

So what am I doing right now? 

My main workout right now is Insanity! I have a great respect for the beach body company. Back when I was a little heavier and I started dating my husband he helped me on starting P90x where I lost 15lbs and that started my dream of losing all this weight. It has been a journey since then and I haven't always made the right choices or worked out everyday. So since I've really tried to get back on the bandwagon since the new year/since getting married my newest exercise routine is Insanity.
Insanity is some tough crap. Super tough. I started about three weeks ago, the first week I think I did half the videos and the second week I did maybe 2 of the videos. I finally decided that slacking off wasn't getting me anywhere. I finished a full week of insanity last week. FULL WEEK. I was so proud that I finally finished something that for me is really tough and a challenge. I am currently working on week two and I will finish on sunday (st. patty's day).
I really wanted to share some results with you guys and some before photos to help track my progress and show you that after the 60 days it was all worth it and that if I can do it you can do it!

So here is my stuff for the first week of insanity to show you where I was before I decided to take on this insane workout!

Weight: 147lbs
Now the rest of my measurements are from a while ago. I forgot to remeasure before I started, but from what I can see they are roughly the same so I'm still going to stick with them as my starting points.
Arms: 11"
Legs (thigh): 23.5"
Legs (calf): 14.5"
Hips: 40.5" (major ewwwwww)
Natural Waist: 31.25"

Part of Insanity is the Fit Test which you do every 2 weeks. So here are my results for the first fit test and when I finish week 2 we will compare my progress in that area!

Switch Kicks: 75
Power Jacks: 40
Power Knees: 50
Power Jumps: 12
Globe Jumps: 6
Suicide Jumps: 11
Push-up Jacks: 20
Low Plank Obliques: 30

Here are some gross pics of me!


I really feel that I will have a lot of progress next time! I hope someone will be moved by this and please feel free to contact me! I want to help others and help myself all at the same time!

Thanks for reading and follow me through this journey please and join me if you want!!

Once week 2 is officially over and I've done my second fit test I will report with updates!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

I'm back!

So I haven't been on here in forever! I think I had this idea in my head that I would become a brilliant blogger overnight and I when I finally realized that this isn't true I quit. After 2 posts! I know that is super lame!!!!

Anyway...I am really going to try and be back on here more permanently! I think that means there needs to be an update on my life!

So now I'm officially a Mrs. Evans!

We're super cute right???

I actually don't have a ton of pictures yet, but I do hope to share them once I get them back from my photographer! She was really amazing and I love everything I've seen that she's posted on facebook so far! My engagement, bridal, and wedding pictures were all taken in a 2 week time frame so she is editing them all currently and I should get my copy of everything in the next month or two!

I plan to right a wedding journey blog post soon and tell you all about my adventure!

What else is new with me? I am still a nursing student! Haven't failed out of anything yet so SCORE! I have officially made it through my psychiatric and pediatric rotations and start my OB rotation soon! Nursing school is going well so far, there are lots of uphill battles and its pretty much a roller coaster of emotions! I plan to do a blog solely on that as well at a later time.

I can't remember if I had my adorable cat Moose or not when I first started this blog, but we've recently expanded our family to a two cat household! Moose is an orange tabby and he is wild, while our grey tabby Chief is very calm and collected but has serious separation anxiety (like tearing up our floors from trying to get out of the house anxiety)!!

See? They're precious!

Promise I'm not a crazy cat lady! Haha

Well that sums up very very briefly a few things in my life that have happened recently. My plans are to keep with this blog and I already mentioned a few ideas for future blogs that are sure to be fun to write and I plan to have lots of pictures! Thanks for reading and feel free to follow along on my journey as a nursing student who is newly married and learning all about the "real world" after leaving the nest!

Mrs. Evans :)