Tuesday, July 9, 2013

LiveFit Trainer Phase 1 - Week 1

Done and done! Week one is over and i'm already started with week two of this program!!

So the first week in phase one consists of 4 workouts and none of them are cardio! Can I get an AMEN? A break from a program being so cardio intensive is like a breath of fresh air to me!

Workouts this week: Chest & Triceps, Back & Biceps, Legs & Calves, and finally Abs & Shoulders!

Pros: No cardio! I also love free weights :) Machines aren't bad either, and I feel awesome when I can increase weights in both areas!

Cons: I sometimes felt the workouts were really short sometimes. I first started doing each exercise one time and considered that one round and then repeated that till I did 3 rounds. That seemed "longer" to me than doing the 3x12 of one exercise before moving onto the next one. I don't really know if there is a wrong or right way to do it, just choose what you like I guess!

This week I mainly used ten pound weights for all free weight exercise, on shoulders I had to use five pounds for the most part because I could not lift those tens!! For machines that dealt with arms I was using 30lbs, and for those machines dealing with legs I used 50lbs for the most part! I do plan on improving all numbers next week!

Now to redo my measurements and keep myself accountable!

There you go!

Now to make those measurements shrink!!

Another important aspect of this program is clean eating and following Jamie's outlined guide for nutrition! Here are a few pics of things I've had for lunch/dinner this week. It is all pretty basic. Salad, chicken, turkey burger, turkey tacos, and sweet potatoes. There have been other things, but this is all I took pictures of!

Now that one picture is a slice of Ezekiel bread, and let me tell you...it was delicious! I had the cinnamon raisin kind! It's like a little dessert ;) I used to make fun of people for eating all this food and things like it because "eating clean" was ridiculous to me! I no longer think that! I do think some people take it to an EXTREME and that is just my opinion, I still plan on eating donuts if I want...and I may have had one this week ;)

Okay now for some pictures to keep my accountable and something to look back on!

Sorry for the blurry picture of my weight and ignore the nasty toes! But there it is! Back, side, and front view!

Alright now let's all get out there and get moving!!!

Follow me on Instagram @ NewMrsEvans

Monday, July 1, 2013

LiveFit Trainer

Okay! Here it is...my new program!! I need to actually stick with this and finish a program! I have really found a love of weight lifting, its something I can easily see improvements in. I can quickly see the weights becoming easy to lift and I can always know when I add additional repetitions!

Everyone wants insta-satisfaction, and for me I get that from weight lifting!

One huge aspect of her program is clean eating. That is what I will struggle most with. I'm starting day one today, and so far I've done pretty well! Just need to step up my water consumption for today! It's 3pm here and I've only had one bottle (20oz). Booooo on me! So going to hopefully get in another 40oz before supper and get a total of 80oz in by the end of the day. This is so much water for me, so it will be a struggle in all honesty!

Back to the program! First phase is starting today and it consists of NO CARDIO, I mean that's pretty amazing right?! I may add some in here and there, but its not part of LiveFit for this phase. The first two weeks only 4/7 days are structured for workouts then it bumps it up steadily to more days a week.

I will keep you updated on my progress and how I'm enjoying or not enjoying this program!

Check me out on instagram at @newmrsevans :)

Have a blessed day and get your drinking (water) on and lift some weights!!!