Friday, June 20, 2014

Life After College

This is my new mantra.

I have recently graduated college and gained 35lbs along with that degree. So it is time for a brand new start. So be sure to follow me on here and on Instagram @getfitaftercollege for daily motivation!

This is a brand new journey is my life. Getting more involved in adult hood, starting my first real "big girl job", and maybe starting a family one day long with everything else adulthood has to offer. So it is time to get in the best shape of our lives and why not do it together?

More to come this weekend on my current stats and my plan of attack to lose the weight in a healthy way!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Starting over...AGAIN

So that is one of the biggest things in weightloss. It seems we are always starting over again and again. When will we be truly accountable and do what we say we are going to do? I think that is just a person thing for everyone. YOU must decide when YOU are going to stop with the excuses and just fight for what you want! And sweat for what you want! That is my plan for this next week. I hope this is the last time I start over. Or maybe I should say THIS IS THE LAST TIME I START OVER. That sounds more believable right?!

My husband is on board as well. He feels he has started to gain weight and is not happy with himself or his pant size. I think knowing i'm really not alone (because I can physically see someone else struggling beside me) will help on this journey!

Our plan:

Clean eating!! I am also planning on joining this clean eating group on Facebook so I hope that will help me even more and give eating ideas that both the husband and I will like! While i'm the pickiest eater on the planet I have definitely branched out in the last couple years. I mean when I was growing up my parents would have never imagined one day I would willingly eat squash! My husband however is not picky at all, but thinks the idea of things such as ground meat is gross (besides ground beef, that he loves). So it will be interesting to find things that are beyond the easy typical meals for us! 300-400 calorie meals 5 to 6 times a day is the plan. I'm sure it will be hard to divide that up so well at first, but it will be something we can work on!

T25!! We own it and are very excited to start this program. It will be our HIIT for the day and something we will do together in the evenings! I'm pretty excited that we will be doing this together! My husband has access to an awesome gym at work where he will do weight training 3 or 4 days a week or 5, just depends. He typically does this anyway during the week but that is it. So bad eating plus only weight training doesn't work folks!! I have access to a small gym for free through our apartment complex, I also have a few free weights that work great for me. I love lifting, I just for some reason forget it makes me feel good! So I plan on getting up early (like 5 AM early) and doing C25k (couch to 5k) in the mornings for a quick 30 minute cardio session that isn't as hard as T25 and then a 30min weight session. I have made it to week 4 of C25k before so I am not at all worried about the first week or two of this training program. I actually plan on pushing myself really hard with some 60sec sprints instead of lightly jogging. I think it will really help since it will be like a HIIT program in the morning! I realize the farther along I get I will probably go back to jogging, but I really want to finish this time and actually be able to run a full three miles instead of just part of it at a time. Heck I would love to run just one mile straight! For weights my plan is mainly to only focus on legs on days I don't run. Otherwise I will divide it up with arms/abs and maybe a few leg moves. I may do a full body circuit type things on saturdays with some cardio thrown in there. We'll see how the first week goes!

Staying on task! We just need to stick with those two things. We are planning on making sure we do it for the next month and hope to at least loss 5lbs for me and 10lbs for my husband. I honestly think those are very sound goals and should be possible! I want to lose 25lbs total and my husband would like to lose 35lbs. We also want to tone up everything! Which at least for my husband will go much better when weight drops off. He lifts weights frequently and heavy ones so we know the muscle is there, just has a little bit of fat around it!

I hope to post some weekly updates on how we're doing...let you know what we're eating and how the exercising is going! I'll even discreetly find out about the husband so you can know how he's doing too ;)

I did buy this HRM today, I should get it as we start week two of our new lifestyle. I think this will really help with wanting to continue to exercise because I'll really know if i'm giving it my all or not! I'm really excited to finally have one. This also gives me a week to explain to my husband that I spent money on this and convince him not to yell at me ;) haha

Have a great day everyone!! I plan on getting some pics of myself and measurements up as well!! It will be a very very early morning Monday!

Follow me on MFP (lt163239), IG (newmrsevans)

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

LiveFit Trainer Phase 1 - Week 1

Done and done! Week one is over and i'm already started with week two of this program!!

So the first week in phase one consists of 4 workouts and none of them are cardio! Can I get an AMEN? A break from a program being so cardio intensive is like a breath of fresh air to me!

Workouts this week: Chest & Triceps, Back & Biceps, Legs & Calves, and finally Abs & Shoulders!

Pros: No cardio! I also love free weights :) Machines aren't bad either, and I feel awesome when I can increase weights in both areas!

Cons: I sometimes felt the workouts were really short sometimes. I first started doing each exercise one time and considered that one round and then repeated that till I did 3 rounds. That seemed "longer" to me than doing the 3x12 of one exercise before moving onto the next one. I don't really know if there is a wrong or right way to do it, just choose what you like I guess!

This week I mainly used ten pound weights for all free weight exercise, on shoulders I had to use five pounds for the most part because I could not lift those tens!! For machines that dealt with arms I was using 30lbs, and for those machines dealing with legs I used 50lbs for the most part! I do plan on improving all numbers next week!

Now to redo my measurements and keep myself accountable!

There you go!

Now to make those measurements shrink!!

Another important aspect of this program is clean eating and following Jamie's outlined guide for nutrition! Here are a few pics of things I've had for lunch/dinner this week. It is all pretty basic. Salad, chicken, turkey burger, turkey tacos, and sweet potatoes. There have been other things, but this is all I took pictures of!

Now that one picture is a slice of Ezekiel bread, and let me tell was delicious! I had the cinnamon raisin kind! It's like a little dessert ;) I used to make fun of people for eating all this food and things like it because "eating clean" was ridiculous to me! I no longer think that! I do think some people take it to an EXTREME and that is just my opinion, I still plan on eating donuts if I want...and I may have had one this week ;)

Okay now for some pictures to keep my accountable and something to look back on!

Sorry for the blurry picture of my weight and ignore the nasty toes! But there it is! Back, side, and front view!

Alright now let's all get out there and get moving!!!

Follow me on Instagram @ NewMrsEvans

Monday, July 1, 2013

LiveFit Trainer

Okay! Here it new program!! I need to actually stick with this and finish a program! I have really found a love of weight lifting, its something I can easily see improvements in. I can quickly see the weights becoming easy to lift and I can always know when I add additional repetitions!

Everyone wants insta-satisfaction, and for me I get that from weight lifting!

One huge aspect of her program is clean eating. That is what I will struggle most with. I'm starting day one today, and so far I've done pretty well! Just need to step up my water consumption for today! It's 3pm here and I've only had one bottle (20oz). Booooo on me! So going to hopefully get in another 40oz before supper and get a total of 80oz in by the end of the day. This is so much water for me, so it will be a struggle in all honesty!

Back to the program! First phase is starting today and it consists of NO CARDIO, I mean that's pretty amazing right?! I may add some in here and there, but its not part of LiveFit for this phase. The first two weeks only 4/7 days are structured for workouts then it bumps it up steadily to more days a week.

I will keep you updated on my progress and how I'm enjoying or not enjoying this program!

Check me out on instagram at @newmrsevans :)

Have a blessed day and get your drinking (water) on and lift some weights!!!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Wagon Wheels

So i'm majorly off this fitness band wagon right now.

I don't really know what to say as to why i'm not working out and eating like I should. The simple answer is i'm just not. There is no other excuse than that. I have the time and i've done it before, i'm just not doing it right now.

I feel like crap!!!

So this really needs to get fixed. I also have every intention of posting more to help me keep accountable. When I stopped posting after quitting insanity I had about 100 something page views, and now i'm back months later and there are over 1000 views! That was just shocking to me that so many people would bother looking at this page. Do I have followers? No. Do I have "stalkers" that want to look at my page daily to see if i've updated? No. But the fact that some have looked at this page and found any helpful information is keeping me going!

I'm also really big into instagramming (I'm making this a word if it isn't already) and I can see that when i'm really into working out I post a lot on there, and when I don't post it usually means i'm not working out. I know several people on there that have intense fitness goals and we all talk to each other sometimes. They have no idea what a lazy bum I'm being while they are working hard! I need to walk the walk and not just talk the talk. That is my new goal.

July 1st is a monday. That is a perfect new start in my opinion. New body pictures will come along with new measurements. So lets get ready for a new transformation! Bring on July!!

Have ideas for clean eating or exercises? Send them my way!

Instagram: newmrsevans
MFP: LT163239

Train Hard. Be a Beast!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Honesty Time

Just going to be real honest. I am burnt out on insanity. I am not very good with juggling exercise and school. I am just not good at it. I haven't worked out the kinks, but I am hoping to soon.

I am taking a break from insanity for just a little bit. I want to finish it and I will finish it. I am still going to exercise every day though!

I just started this squat challenge
I'm on Day 2 right now

So that is one thing i'm doing and I'm also going to get back into running! I want to run a 5k one day! Actually i'm kinda signed up for a Warrior Dash in like 18 days or something like that. I don't know if I really count that as running a 5k though since there are lots of obstacles. It is going to be tough though!!!!!

I will even tell you the embarrassing was almost 47 minutes and I didn't even finish the full 5k!! For some reason I decided to go out and do this, and I've never ran/walked for that long before with or without this Nike app! So I was pretty pumped and it made me want to get this done faster and run more of it! Since i'm doing this Warrior Dash anyway I figure it would good for me and my life right now to change it up and work on some running and squats and weight lifting. 

So that is my plan. I do want to finish Insanity though. I think once school is over and I have some more free time, I will get my head back into the serious game that Insanity is. I just can't mentally handle that challenge and school right now. It just isn't what is best for me! 

I hope you decided to stick with something, sometimes plans do change but just keep on moving and working out!

New Mrs. Evans

Friday, April 19, 2013

Wedding Pictures and some Insanity!

This is all really just an excuse to not being doing my assignments that are due in  a few hours ;) I did finish one of them so I feel blogging is my reward for that!

I have not felt motivated this week at all! I'm on week 7 and I just feel like crap. My body is going through some weird stuff and I seriously have felt bloated for over a week. Hopefully my doctor can help me out and get this fixed so I can have that "skinny" feeling again that I used to have whenever I woke up! This is just not a good week!

Some non depressing news? I'm sharing some of those wedding pictures I promised!! So here you go :)

Details and Getting Ready :)

We had a VERY rainy wedding day 


I LOVE this picture, click on it so its larger :)

Unity Sand

Since those two sections make for along post already you will have to stay tuned for some formals and reception pictures!!

Have a blessed day and get out there and move (that way i'll feel guilty and do it too!)!!!

New Mrs. Evans