Friday, August 23, 2013

Starting over...AGAIN

So that is one of the biggest things in weightloss. It seems we are always starting over again and again. When will we be truly accountable and do what we say we are going to do? I think that is just a person thing for everyone. YOU must decide when YOU are going to stop with the excuses and just fight for what you want! And sweat for what you want! That is my plan for this next week. I hope this is the last time I start over. Or maybe I should say THIS IS THE LAST TIME I START OVER. That sounds more believable right?!

My husband is on board as well. He feels he has started to gain weight and is not happy with himself or his pant size. I think knowing i'm really not alone (because I can physically see someone else struggling beside me) will help on this journey!

Our plan:

Clean eating!! I am also planning on joining this clean eating group on Facebook so I hope that will help me even more and give eating ideas that both the husband and I will like! While i'm the pickiest eater on the planet I have definitely branched out in the last couple years. I mean when I was growing up my parents would have never imagined one day I would willingly eat squash! My husband however is not picky at all, but thinks the idea of things such as ground meat is gross (besides ground beef, that he loves). So it will be interesting to find things that are beyond the easy typical meals for us! 300-400 calorie meals 5 to 6 times a day is the plan. I'm sure it will be hard to divide that up so well at first, but it will be something we can work on!

T25!! We own it and are very excited to start this program. It will be our HIIT for the day and something we will do together in the evenings! I'm pretty excited that we will be doing this together! My husband has access to an awesome gym at work where he will do weight training 3 or 4 days a week or 5, just depends. He typically does this anyway during the week but that is it. So bad eating plus only weight training doesn't work folks!! I have access to a small gym for free through our apartment complex, I also have a few free weights that work great for me. I love lifting, I just for some reason forget it makes me feel good! So I plan on getting up early (like 5 AM early) and doing C25k (couch to 5k) in the mornings for a quick 30 minute cardio session that isn't as hard as T25 and then a 30min weight session. I have made it to week 4 of C25k before so I am not at all worried about the first week or two of this training program. I actually plan on pushing myself really hard with some 60sec sprints instead of lightly jogging. I think it will really help since it will be like a HIIT program in the morning! I realize the farther along I get I will probably go back to jogging, but I really want to finish this time and actually be able to run a full three miles instead of just part of it at a time. Heck I would love to run just one mile straight! For weights my plan is mainly to only focus on legs on days I don't run. Otherwise I will divide it up with arms/abs and maybe a few leg moves. I may do a full body circuit type things on saturdays with some cardio thrown in there. We'll see how the first week goes!

Staying on task! We just need to stick with those two things. We are planning on making sure we do it for the next month and hope to at least loss 5lbs for me and 10lbs for my husband. I honestly think those are very sound goals and should be possible! I want to lose 25lbs total and my husband would like to lose 35lbs. We also want to tone up everything! Which at least for my husband will go much better when weight drops off. He lifts weights frequently and heavy ones so we know the muscle is there, just has a little bit of fat around it!

I hope to post some weekly updates on how we're doing...let you know what we're eating and how the exercising is going! I'll even discreetly find out about the husband so you can know how he's doing too ;)

I did buy this HRM today, I should get it as we start week two of our new lifestyle. I think this will really help with wanting to continue to exercise because I'll really know if i'm giving it my all or not! I'm really excited to finally have one. This also gives me a week to explain to my husband that I spent money on this and convince him not to yell at me ;) haha

Have a great day everyone!! I plan on getting some pics of myself and measurements up as well!! It will be a very very early morning Monday!

Follow me on MFP (lt163239), IG (newmrsevans)