Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Honesty Time

Just going to be real honest. I am burnt out on insanity. I am not very good with juggling exercise and school. I am just not good at it. I haven't worked out the kinks, but I am hoping to soon.

I am taking a break from insanity for just a little bit. I want to finish it and I will finish it. I am still going to exercise every day though!

I just started this squat challenge
I'm on Day 2 right now

So that is one thing i'm doing and I'm also going to get back into running! I want to run a 5k one day! Actually i'm kinda signed up for a Warrior Dash in like 18 days or something like that. I don't know if I really count that as running a 5k though since there are lots of obstacles. It is going to be tough though!!!!!

I will even tell you the embarrassing time....it was almost 47 minutes and I didn't even finish the full 5k!! For some reason I decided to go out and do this, and I've never ran/walked for that long before with or without this Nike app! So I was pretty pumped and it made me want to get this done faster and run more of it! Since i'm doing this Warrior Dash anyway I figure it would good for me and my life right now to change it up and work on some running and squats and weight lifting. 

So that is my plan. I do want to finish Insanity though. I think once school is over and I have some more free time, I will get my head back into the serious game that Insanity is. I just can't mentally handle that challenge and school right now. It just isn't what is best for me! 

I hope you decided to stick with something, sometimes plans do change but just keep on moving and working out!

New Mrs. Evans

Friday, April 19, 2013

Wedding Pictures and some Insanity!

This is all really just an excuse to not being doing my assignments that are due in  a few hours ;) I did finish one of them so I feel blogging is my reward for that!

I have not felt motivated this week at all! I'm on week 7 and I just feel like crap. My body is going through some weird stuff and I seriously have felt bloated for over a week. Hopefully my doctor can help me out and get this fixed so I can have that "skinny" feeling again that I used to have whenever I woke up! This is just not a good week!

Some non depressing news? I'm sharing some of those wedding pictures I promised!! So here you go :)

Details and Getting Ready :)

We had a VERY rainy wedding day 


I LOVE this picture, click on it so its larger :)

Unity Sand

Since those two sections make for along post already you will have to stay tuned for some formals and reception pictures!!

Have a blessed day and get out there and move (that way i'll feel guilty and do it too!)!!!

New Mrs. Evans

Monday, April 15, 2013

Week 6 of Insanity Results - Month 2!!

So month two just started and I seriously am soooo tired from these MAX workouts, and they are not lying by using the word max. Seriously they are hard! You want to know a secret though? I loved them!!! Who would ever think something like that could be possible?!

So the major thing you want to see are those results right? Well let me get to that for you!

March 4th March 18th April 8th
Weight 147 pounds 146 pounds 145.2 pounds
Arms 11" 11" 11"
Legs (thigh) 23.5" 22" 21.5"
Legs (calf) 14.5" 14" 14"
Hips 40.5" 38.5" 37"
Natural Waist 31.25" 30" 29.5"
Rib Cage 32.5" 31.75" 31.5"

So last time I lost 1 pound and 6 inches. This time I've lost according to this date and the scale I was 145.2 which was another .8 pounds. I was actually kinda bloated since I was recently back from North Carolina. On that monday of the fit test I actually weight 147.5 (YUCK!!), but after one day I was down to 145.2 :) So that is what i'm counting! I actually saw myself get to 144.8 before I left for NC so if I get down to it I honestly say I lost 2.2lbs the first month. I've just been fluctuating on that last pound. Inches you ask? Well......about 8 inches! I think that is really great for 5 weeks! I can't wait to see my measurements go down even farther!

Seriously these workouts are killer on my thunder thighs! I'm ready to heavily shrink them!

Now for the bad news...I don't have any pictures for you :( I still feel kinda bloated lately and i'm not really sure why. So I want to wait till I don't feel that way to take pictures. I'll also do an extra set of measurements when I take the pictures!

Now fit test results

March 4th March 18th April 8th
Switch Kicks 75 80 90
Power Jacks 40 45 45
Power Knees 50 80 84
Power Jumps 12 25 30
Globe Jumps 6 7 8
Suicide Jumps 11 14 15
Push-up Jacks 20 22 23
Low Plank Obliques 30 40 42

Not a ton of improvement, but some is better than none! I was so out of it because I hadn't really worked out in a week and I literally thought I was going to die halfway through this workout!

Now you know I got a haircut/color as my reward for finishing two weeks of insanity, so here is my reward to myself for finishing one month!

Camelbak water bottle!!

I've actually been using my husband's nike bottle that he's had forever and since he's starting to workout again it was time we stop sharing and I get my own! Did I mention it is pink, purple, and turquoise? I love the colors! I'm really like it so far though the biting down part is taking a little time to get used to!

Want to know the real best reward I got today? Someone told me it looks like i've been losing weight! That made me smile so big on the inside despite that I told her the scale read differently (it does!! I told you I was bloated!!). It still made me feel pretty good though :)

Now a picture of these two cuties to give you a smile ;)

Have a great day out there and DIG DEEPER! Go get your workout in and let me know all about it!

Follow on IG: newmrsevans and MFP: lt163239....would love to help you on your journey!

New Mrs. Evans

Thursday, April 11, 2013

It's Picture Thursday!

Well I am supposed to be doing paperwork right now that is due friday at noon. So instead I thought I would keep up my streak of posting blogs! Who cares about doing homework right? Procrastination at its finest!

So I got my professional wedding pictures back last week and I decided I would share some with you of our big day! I love most of them...I am honestly a little disappointed. I got way more pictures than I paid for so I should be really happy, but i'm not :(

Some look really grainy and stretched out, the photographer said it was from poor lighting in the chapel since I did get married at night. I supposed I understand and i'm not mad at her per say, I just wanted them to be perfect and they're close but not 100% what I imagined. Mostly they are great though so don't get me wrong!

 My photographer was such a sweet heart and really worked with me on getting everything done. I literally took my engagement, bridal, and wedding photos all in a span of 1 and a half weeks! Speaking of this I'll actually share a few engagement, bridals, and photos of the wedding for y'all!

Enjoy a small break from fitness related posting! I promise to throw some more like this more often, maybe some food/crafting posts or whatever you want to know! Just send me an email (new.mrsevans@gmail.com) or comment away!!

Engagement Pictures


Yes, I know I didn't do my nails for this shoot :(

So its not really picture thursday, that was lame right? There are some engagement and bridals for y'all! I felt that there would be too many pictures if I post some wedding day ones on here too so i'm going to do that as a separate post later this week or early next week. I know...i'm a tease! So stay tuned and enjoy the excellent photography!

New Mrs. Evans

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

4 Posts In One Day

Okay so this is my 4th post today! Thank you so much for viewing all my posts! I hope that as long as I can inspire one person out there to get up and move then I will really feel accomplished! I was so behind in my posting, but I wanted you to know I was still keeping myself accountable. I am going to finish this. No matter what.

I post a lot on instagram usually (follow me @NewMrsEvans) except this last week or so because of my vacation. I had a friend who is actually my Big Sis from my sorority in college that comments a lot on my fitness related pictures and tells me about how she needs to get out there and run or tells me about her run that day. We obviously haven't talked in a little while on instagram because I haven't been posting as much. It meant so much to me to go on my facebook a few minutes ago where she posted on my wall that I needed to get back to posting because it MOTIVATED her!

This touched me! I finally feel like what I'm doing is bigger than just me! I want everyone to have that feeling. What you do and show people can really affect them. You can lead by example and have people that are happy for you and your success!!

So get out there. Do something. Go move! Your mind may say you can't, but your body can do it! It's what we were made to do!

If you need motivation feel free to contact me! I will help hold you accountable!

Email: new.mrsevans@gmail.com
Instagram: @NewMrsEvans
MyFitnessPal: LT163239

Use any of those to contact me with anything or if you just need to tell someone "Hey I walked for 20 minutes today" because you can't tell anyone else. I will be proud of you and help you in any way I can!!

New Mrs. Evans

Week 5 of Insanity Results -- Recovery Week

So this week was recovery week. I'm not really sure about the whole recovery part though. I actually went out of state this week so I was unable to work out. I actually couldn't have planned it more perfectly! If I had to stop, i'm glad it was on recovery week. I know I missed out some, but I don't feel like I fully missed out on a week of insanity like I would have if it was any other week. So other than that I have not much else to say about the recovery week workouts! I do want to take this time to talk about my trip though!

So if you read any of my early posts or my about me you would know that I'm a nursing student! As a nursing student I am part of a great organization SNA (student nurses association). I was lucky enough to be chosen as a delegate to attend both the state and national convention this year. They were both great experiences and I loved being able to go! This week was national convention and I got to drive with 6 other girls a full 12 hours to North Carolina! It was a great week filled with a lot of laughs and memories! Here are some pictures of uptown Charlotte that I took on our first of many walks from our hotel to the convention which was the only real exercise I got!

Walgreens on the second floor of a hotel! So neat!

It was such a beautiful city! I can't wait to have vacation time and go back with Kasey to check it out and do more touristy things! We went to some fancy restaurants where I didn't understand a single thing on the menu, went to some meetings that were really long and sometimes boring, oh and lets not forget about finding a bakery with delicious gourmet cupcakes that was open till midnight (for some reason I can't find the picture of them). 

My friend and I were loving this 2 hour meeting where we elected delegates. It was mostly boring because they all kept saying the same thing over and over again. Occasionally some one decided to spice their speech up and woke us from our slumber though!

After this meeting we left to go back to the hotel and ran into this HUGE crowd outside a restaurant. Apparently Miami Heat was eating inside and all the fans were trying to get pictures of them when they were coming out! I know nothing about pro basketball and I also have no interest in starting to try and learn about it. We did have some fun stalking the players and just hanging out in this huge crowd. We never saw anyone remotely famous, we were probably near a bus that was attended for water boys or something to distract people from going to an alternate place where the players actually left from.

North Carolina was really fun, but I know when I get back I will be having to get down to business! I ate pretty healthy most of the trip, though the last day or two weren't my finest moments. So I will be facing the scale when I get back and facing the consequences! Month two starts back tomorrow and I'm ready to finally complete insanity in the next month!

New Mrs. Evans